Annually 3 December around the world are celebrating the Day of Persons with Disabilities. This Day – yet another reason to focus on the human people with disabilities. Currently, Belarus is actively create conditions for the socialization of this category of citizens and to improve the comfort of their living. And next there are always those, and who can help, and support.
Disability - this is not a sentence. Practice shows, that people with disabilities can be and become full members of society, excellent experts, defying and socially active people, that inspire many, including a perfectly healthy members of our society.
There are things, that can not be changed. But if you can not make a person healthy, then we can be closer to him and heart.
All people with disabilities, their relatives and friends wish pep, доброго здоровья и огромного терпения!
Let hope warms the heart,
Let doubt, like snow, melt,
Let all the best dreams come true,
Suppose that you have the best flowers bloom all!
Suppose your house is very cozy,
Suppose that you do not forget about the people,
Let your life be filled Friend,
Will loving, attentive family!
Plan activities for the International Day of Disabled Persons:
- Exhibitions of folk art, "Our work". Место проведения: УО «Бобруйская государственная специальная школа-интернат для детей с нарушением слуха» – with 25.11.po 04.12.2015
- Sport competitions (checkers, дартс). Место проведения: The House of Culture UE "Universal Bobruisk" – 27.11.2015 – 28.11.2015 (time-14.00).
- Participation in joint creative projects inclusive Fair Talent "Under the constellation of talent". Место проведения: GUK "Palace of Arts Mr.. Бобруйска» – 01.12.2015 (время- 15.00).
- The concert program "We Are Together".Место проведения: GUO "Secondary school 10 g. Бобруйска» – 02.12.2015 (time-14.00).
- Competition pageants "Minute of Fame". Место проведения: Dom Kultury UP "Universal Bobruisk" OO "Beli" – 03.12.2015 (time-16.00).
- Open Day "In the circle of friends". The action "Blurring the boundaries". Место проведения: УО «Бобруйская государственная специальная школа-интернат для детей с нарушением слуха» – 04.12.2015 (время – 13.00).