Chess tournament

In the period from February to March in a boarding school chess tournament was held among students 2-10 classes.

Among the chess intellectual games occupy almost the first place. They have long been faithfully serving the people, not only for fun, but also for the development of intellectual and analytical skills.

The most important for the student in chess are such properties, as the concentration and stability of attention. Focus is equally necessary, both in perception, and memorizing, playing, the activities of thinking and imagination. Attention is particularly closely related to the thinking and therefore can rightfully speak of predominantly intellectual character of attention, which has a pronounced arbitrary.

Almost all the great grandmasters started to play chess at a very young age. The early start of beneficial effects on the harmonious development of the child, training mental and creative abilities.

Of course, Winners do not become. After the tournament director of the circle "Checkers chess" Lomova Natalia V. summed up.

Among 2-5 classes prizes won students:

1.Dmitry Osmolovsky (3 "B" class)

2.Anikeev Darina (3 "B" class)

3.Bykovskaya Anna (3 "B" class)

Among 6-10 classes winners are:

1.appetite Victoria (8 "B" class)

2.Oleg Shalygin (10 «А» класс)

3.Столяров Станислав (10 «А» класс)


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