- When the spring is not in a hurry to remove headdress - the spring weather is treacherous, a warm wind - deceptive.
- wear comfortable, waterproof shoes with non-slip soles.
- remember, that viruses are spread in the warm and humid weather will, than cold - use oxolinic ointment and other preventive health.
4.Wear a mask in the pocket bags, which can be used indoors, where a person sneezes or coughs.
5. Be very careful on the road, its transition only on a pedestrian crossing and only if, when you see, The car brakes, to miss you.
6.Pay attention to stray animals, if possible, avoid them – in the spring of aggravated animal instincts.
7.Always be cautious when dealing with strangers, never go with a stranger. Does not advertise the availability of phone, expensive jewelry.
8.Do not take a walk by the river! remember, that the spring - the most dangerous time on the river!