Hour children's periodicals

In order to attract the attention of students of the boarding school to periodicals for children in information and library center of our institution an hour passed periodicals.

Periodical publications are part of the library collection, a source of operational information. Fascinating presentation of the material, colorful illustrations make the journey through the pages of journal publications interesting and informative, as well as provide an opportunity to develop creative. Many of them are on their pages offer readers the game, puzzles, puzzle, Crosswords, coloring, homemade construction.

К встрече с ребятами библиотекарем школы-интерната Захаровой Светланой Владимировной была оформлена выставка периодических изданий. Attention to children were presented informative magazines and newspapers, о природе, entertainment: "Rainbow", "Dunno", "Swing", "Young Rescuer", "Transitional age", "Zorka", "Home", "The banner of youth" and others. As a result, students were informed about the repertoire of children's publications, received by the library and their opportunities in education and recreation. And in the process of magazines and newspapers independently readers acquainted with the structure of the periodical and the headings.


Want to keep abreast of the latest developments? Любите все новое и интересное?

Then read children's magazines and newspapers!


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